Diamond Services Ltd., the Hong Kong-based firm that markets cutting-edge technological solutions to the diamond, gem and jewellery industry and trade, announced its newly developed DiamaTest machine had been instrumental in identifying the nature of a 0.138 carat, type 1Aab diamond as a synthetic stone. However, when it was tested by a DiamondSure device, the stone got a reading as a natural stone. This is the second time a non-type IIa synthetic stone is identified after the one reported by GIA a few months ago.
"Recently, we acquired a parcel of synthetic diamonds from one of the growers, for research purposes," Yossi Kuzi, owner of Diamond Services recalled. "One of the stones in the parcel, a 0.138-carat stone, turned out to be a type 1Aab synthetic diamond. The DiamaTest machine easily identified it as synthetic. However, the DiamondSure identified it as a natural stone! While the tested stone did not show phosphorescence, the typical, square growth lines of a synthetic diamond were observed in a Diamond View test," he explained.
Kuzi, who is also the owner of the Hong Kong-based EGL Asia gemological laboratory, said he will be glad to make the stone available for further testing and research to any of the large, international gemological laboratories that will express an interest.
The DiamaTest system will be launched next month during the upcoming International Hong Kong Jewellery Show (Asia World Expo, Hall 9, booth M07) and will be available thereafter via service stations worldwide. The first service stations will start operating from March 2014 both in Hong Kong and in Israel.
"A well known industry commentator wrote recently that 'the key to resolving the challenges presented by synthetic diamonds is our ability to differentiate natural diamonds from synthetic diamonds,' and that we need to employ the 4Ds: Differentiation, Detection, Disclosure and Documentation. We hope to be making a significant contribution toward that important goal," Kuzi concluded.
The typical, square growth lines of a synthetic diamond were observed in a DiamondView test in this 0.14 carat Type 1Aab synthetic diamond.