Oxford Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Oxford Instruments Plc (listed in the London Stock Exchange) and supports key customers in industry, research and academia. Oxford Instruments India offers range of high quality products for Industrial Analysis and Nano technology. Innovation has been the driving force behind Oxford Instruments’ growth and success for over 50 years, and its strategy is to effect the successful commercialisation of these ideas by bringing them to market in a timely and customer-focused fashion.
Head quartered in Mumbai, it is one of the few companies in India to set up a demonstration lab for Industrial Analysis products where distributors and customers can analyse samples, demonstrate systems and be introduced to new technologies. This lab houses a range of analysers that span applications from metals analysis, to low sulphur in petroleum, to gold coating analysis.
In order to control costs and quality, jewellery and other precious metals items (e.g. coins, high-end cutlery) are tested for composition analysis many times over their life-time, from the raw materials to the finished product and to the recycling. The analysis is also required to verify authenticity, and determine value. The high price of precious metals such as gold (Au) and platinum (Pt) means that a small difference in their contents means a large difference in the product’s value.
Traditionally jewellery and other precious metals alloys have been analysed by fire assay. This is a highly accurate technique, but is lengthy and destructive. Samples are often sent to an off-site laboratory, and results can take days to return. Because of these disadvantages, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is also used when certification (e.g. hallmarking) is not required, providing non-destructive multi-element analysis and results in seconds!
Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis offers a range of analytical instruments for various industrial and research applications. Our X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysers deliver simple, rapid and non-destructive analysis to identify precious metal content and toxic elements in jewellery, and for measuring the coating thickness of plated items.
With over 25,000 units installed world-wide for precious metals analysis and coatings thickness applications, the X-Strata Series of coating thickness benchtop analysers offers outstanding precision and accuracy. These compact, rugged and reliable quality control analysers can perform elemental analysis without any chemicals and in a totally non-destructive technique. The X-Strata920 is an instant assayer with pin-point accuracy which can analyse the purity of Gold between 8 - 24 Karats. The miniwell base accommodates analysis of small to large samples – from gold links from 0.3 mm diameter to large plated samples up to 160 mm high. This requires minimum user training to confirm Karat content for ensuring correct pricing. It can perform composition and coating thickness analysis for elements from Ti22 to U92. Oxford Instruments’ field proven, microfocus 50 W X-ray tube, and high resolution, sealed Xenon gas filled proportional counter delivers outstanding precision and laser focus, with simple “point and click” function to automatically adjust focal distance (0.5”), improves system reproducibility and minimises user-to-user variability.
The handheld XRF analyser X-MET7000 Series combines the Oxford Instruments’ 40kV X-ray tube, and high performance silicon-drift detector (SDD), providing excellent accuracy and repeatability. With minimal operator training and no requirement for a power source this instrument can be used straight out of the box. This is a rapid, reliable portable analyser which provides accurate and repeatable analysis of precious metal alloys such as jewellery items. The X-MET enables the user to verify products authenticity and value in seconds, with no sample preparation: there is no grinding of sample (no material loss or damage), and no use of chemicals. The X-MET7000 eXpress can provide precious metal analysis in as low as 2 seconds!
Precious metal analysis, such as composition analysis, is required to ensure quality and value of the product. Precious metals such as Gold (Au), Platinum (Pt), Silver (Ag) and Rhodium (Rh) are widely used in the manufacture of jewellery and fashion accessories as the main components or as a thin coating for surface finish. It is essential to analyse the composition and/or plating thickness at the time of manufacture, casting, selling, buying or recycling in order to ensure the quality and value of the final product. This is even more important and critical while testing gold jewellery for the Karat value. Additionally, analysing precious metals for toxic elements such as Lead (Pb) in jewellery means that unsafe items can be removed from the supply chain.
Apart from the jewellery market, Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis offers products suitable for materials analysis to thickness gauging, incorporating the latest field proven technology, coupled with over 30 years of experience in designing, producing and supporting world class instruments. With leading products and a global sales and service network, Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis continues to explore innovative ways to deliver instrument solutions for faster and easier measurements and aims to pursue responsible development and deeper understanding of our world through science and technology. Its products, expertise, and ideas address global issues such as energy, environment, security and health.
Visit www.oxford-instruments.com for more information on the company and its products.